I think most people readily accept that fruit is good for us. It's natural, refreshing, and is packed with vital stuff that our bodies require to thrive. There are heaps of opinions out there on what makes a food healthy or not, fattening or not, cancer-causing or not etc, so in order to decide which fruits are best for us, we need to understand what’s in them and how it affects us.
Fruit contains vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. We’ve been conditioned to know that these things are good for us, but what are they, and why do we need them? Let’s answer that very briefly…
When the body breaks down food or fights off chemicals and harmful toxins, it produces molecules called “free radicals.”
Antioxidants are the guys who roam throughout the body and take out the free radicals. Plant foods are excellent sources of antioxidants, and when we eat them, it’s like ingesting tiny soldiers to fight and prevent disease.
Blueberries are well-known for being packed full of antioxidants, so eat a handful each day and send in the reinforcements!
Vitamins and Minerals
These things are life-sustaining. If we are deficient in any vitamin or mineral, it negatively effects our bodies, and will often present noticeable symptoms. The body doesn’t produce much of this stuff on its own, and that’s why we eat! Vitamins and minerals are found in food. Eating is not about filling up our stomachs to stop feeling hungry, it’s about providing our bodies with exactly what they need to thrive. We are responsible for making sure we put enough vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants into our bodies each day for optimum health. This can generally be done 100% with food, but because of the way our food is produced and processed today, we sometimes need to take supplements to increase and control our levels.
The vitamins are
A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, D, E, H, K.
Some of the minerals the body needs are
Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, Iron, Zinc, Copper, Chromium, Iodine, Selenium, Manganese.
Warnings about Fruit
- Some people are allergic or intolerant to certain fruits i.e. strawberries.
- Fruits are usually sprayed with pesticides. Soft-skinned fruits like berries will absorb these chemicals right into the flesh of the fruit, so they are best bought organic or pesticide-free if possible. Whenever possible, fruits should be peeled before eating. They’re not as pretty on a platter, but they’re much healthier.
- Imported fruits are from countries that have different food health/safety standards to Australia. Buy Australian, it’s safer, and easier to find out just what standards are being kept with produce.
- Some fruits, particularly citrus, can be triggers for migraines.
- You CAN get too much of a good thing. I’m not referring to too many vitamins or minerals, I’m talking about sugar. Let me explain…
Fruit contains sugar called fructose. Fructose is the best type of sugar for our bodies to process. If you eat fructose together with glucose (or eat them within a few hours of each other) the fructose molecules bind with the glucose molecules and become sucrose.
If you’re diabetic, you need to know what all this means in order to control your blood sugar/insulin levels.
About half of ingested fructose is converted by the liver into glucose and lactate, then used to energise the cells around the body. Here’s the important part. Whatever energy the body doesn’t use GETS STORED AS FAT. So, is fruit fattening? Not in itself, no. But if you eat it to excess, or mix it with glucose (i.e. fruit with icecream, banana cake, a piece of fruit after a bowl of pasta, sugary jam/juice/jelly), it will definitely hurt your weight-loss efforts.
What does that mean for you?
1. Eat fruit daily, but limit it to 2-3 pieces.
2. Try not to eat it with other carbohydrates.
3. In the interest of weight control, you should choose your fruit according to its glycemic index (how high it is in sugar).
Fruit is definitely my favourite way to take my vitamins! It’s important to remember that fruit, as with anything, should be taken in moderation. A balanced diet includes some fruit, but requires more than just fruit. As we enter the warmer seasons, a variety of amazing fruits are hitting our stores and it is EXCITING.
Settle your sugar cravings with a handful of cherries instead of a chocolate bar, whip up a berry sorbet for dessert instead of icecream, start your day with a fresh peach smoothie...ENJOY GOOD FOOD…for fruit was created to enjoy, it certainly is good, and it is REAL and NOURISHING food.